Tuesday, March 27, 2012

In Pursuit of Unicorns

Mirror mirror on the wall
Show me the image of my faults
And allow me to judge myself fairly
For I know that I'm not perfect.
But I'm as human as can be.

We strive for perfection. Whether it be in our appearance, goals, or loved ones. There is something in our minds telling us that we can be better. However, in our journey for perfection, we then become reflections of what we wish not to achieve. Imperfect.
Perfection is a myth we've built up in our heads. It is a mythological creature that roams the valleys of our imagination. We envy the creature, for we believe it is the definition of true happiness. If we can be perfect in the eyes of ourselves as well others, we believe we can be truly happy.
There is no such thing as a perfect ten, however. Our best efforts towards anything will only be that of an asymptote to perfection. It's why report cards will not print higher than a 99 for anyone. If it did exist, we could not compare others to how well they've done. True perfection only creates a wall where superior efforts are limited. "The sky's the limit" then becomes "hit clouds, then stop." We become stuck behind a screen of expectations.
We as people, are hunters. We search our whole lives for unicorns. Many of us will come close and some will venture off into the forest. None of us will catch them, however. There is a reason why unicorns don't exist.

Screw you mirror.
All you are is fear to me.
Fear of being accepted.
But I know now.
I must accept myself as I am.
For I am perfect in my eyes.
No matter what yours see.

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Symphony for the Solo

The first short film I've ever made. Filmed entirely over the course of two weeks using just one camcorder and iMovie to edit. The music was also my own original composition, recorded on Garageband. ten minutes of an entire hour of playing