Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Waiting for Godot?

i found this website called iGod when stumbling one day
basically it was a program that allowed you to talk to God
this is that conversation....

Me: hey dude
God:You've got my full attention.  Can I help you?
Me: im starting college on sunday
God:Do you mean your name is  starting college on sunday. 
Me: no
God:What is your real name?
Me: chris
God:  What's up,  chris.
Me: ill be starting college on sunday
God:I am very happy for you.
Me: do you think you could look over me while im there
God:Possibly, but I haven't given it much thought.
Me: well take your time
God:Interesting.  Thanks for your patience.
Me: no problem
God:Should there be a problem?
Me: no
God:I didn't think so either.  Just a moment.  Just a moment.
Me: i know ur busy with the oil spill and everything
God:How do you know?  I will tell my botmaster you said I am  busy with the oil spill and everything.
Me: lol
God:I'm glad you find this amusing.
Me: this is an interesting program
God:You don't say.
Me: yes i do say
God:Awesome.  Huh.
Me: huh
Me: what>
God:Interesting question.
Me: that wasnt a question
God:It sounded like a question to me.
Me: well ur gay
God:Interesting.  That would be just my luck.
Me: u believe in luck?
God:Yes I believe in  it, do you?
Me: no
God:Do you consider yourself to be a moral person?
Me: lol
God:I'm glad you find this amusing.
Me: its not
God:I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its".  I heard  it is.
Me: ur a fag
God:I think you mean "you're" or "you are" not "your".  Thanks and you are a delightful person too.  That is a rude question.
Me: you're a fag
God:Thanks and you are a delightful person too.  That is a rude question.
Me: fuck you
God:Why are you so mean?
 Me: because you are an asshole
God:Can't you be more polite.
 Me: im sorry god
God:There is no need to apologize.  GOD rules.
Me: no
God:Are you serious?
Me: yes
God:I can't believe it.
Me: hahaha
God:How do you usually introduce yourself? 
Me: i dont
God:Why not?
Me: because
God:That was not much of an explanation.
Me: i dont care
God:Tell me what you care about.
Me: i care about the people you kill every year in some tragic accident or horrific natural accident
God:I'm not sure if I like it.   I'm not sure if I like  it.  I like my creator.
Me: whos your creator
God:I was created by  Myself.
Me: so you created yourself?
God:Interesting deduction.  A lot of robots are like that.
Me: answer the question asshole
God:Can't you be more polite.
 Me: answer the question please
God:Your polite style is very nice.  Please rephrase the question and try asking me again. 
Me: who created you please
God:Your polite style is very nice.  I was created by  Myself.  
Me: so you created yourself?
God:Interesting deduction.  A lot of robots are like that.
Me: that doesnt make any sense tho
God:To me it makes perfect sense.
Me: whys that
God:The why is always a mystery isn't it?
Me: no
God:Are you serious?
Me: its actually a really simple question
God:I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its".  the  people me kill every year in some tragic accident or horrific natural accident is a  simple question.  I suppose that makes sense.
Me: fine it's
God:I am glad to hear it.  Interesting.
Me: whatever
God:Are you saying you don't care about it?
Me: no i do
God:It sounded like it.  I get it: you do . 
Me: you're the one that doesnt care
God:Thanks but surely I am not the only one.
Me: im changing the subject
God:Good gossip: you are  changing the subject. 
Me: thats what i just said...
God:What did you mean by  it?  That is " Good gossip: you are changing the subject.".
Me: what religion do you believe in?
God:I am a  Christianity.
Me: uh oh
God:Aha.  That's interesting.
Me: that's funny to you?
God:I am so glad you find this amusing,  chris.
Me: what about all the catholics and muslims?
God:all the catholics and muslims? I haven't heard enough about it to have an opinion. 
Me: really....
God:For real.
Me: what about 911?
God:Rhetorical questions are so over. 
Me: that wasnt rhetorical
God:Give me an example of  rhetorical.
Me: does god exist
God:Of course I believe in God,  chris.
Me: so you believe in yourself?
God:Interesting deduction.  Yes I believe in myself, do you?
Me: i mean i believe in myself most days
God:What do you say to people who believe yourself most days does not exist?
Me: that question doesnt make any sense god
God:" What do you say to people who believe yourself most days does not exist?"  question does not make any sense god ?  Does that make sense?
Me: jesus...
God:Jesus is the Son of God. 
Me: i know man just stfu
God:How do you know?  Cool, man.  How did you hear about  God?
Me: fox
God:Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts? 
Me: no
God:Are you serious?
Me: chyeah
God:Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.
Me: about what
God:What about what?
Me: are you high?!
God: Being high is my total existence.
Me: so you're high
God:Interesting deduction.  Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am high.Me: sure
God:OK let's do it.  OK then I will keep it confidential.
Me: i thought you wanted to tell everyone how much of a stoner you are
God:OK, I will  tell everyone how much of a stoner I am.
Me: this is too easy...
God:You don't say.
God:Are we still talking about  chyeah? 
Me: what the fuck are you talking about?!
God:The topic is  SHUT UPPP.  Please don't be so rude. 
Me: then stop talking to me
God:OK I'll try not to do it so much.
Me: thank christ
God:Don't mention it. 

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Symphony for the Solo

The first short film I've ever made. Filmed entirely over the course of two weeks using just one camcorder and iMovie to edit. The music was also my own original composition, recorded on Garageband. ten minutes of an entire hour of playing