Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Achilles Dream

I realized one day that everyone wants to be remembered somehow.
It's what drives our primal need to procreate.
To do something with our lives.
To beat our own mortality.

Let me explain. Me and my friend Todd were walking around the school taking pictures for yearbook.
The first five people we come across started screaming "Hey coz take a pictuure!!!" while posing with some stupid perky face and 2 peace signs.
As photographers we're usually told to stay away from this type of thing since candid photos are usually more aesthetically pleasing than ones that are posed.

It seems to be in people's nature to want to be remembered, though.

whether its in a yearbook
a desk, a tree, or a wall.

We all want something that separates ourselves from the rest of society.
Something that younger people can look at in the future and see how cool you were with your stupid peace sign.

We all want a legacy but we try to create them in the most unnecessary places.
To be remembered, you need to do something that no one else can do.
You need to work past the high water mark of expectations that are drawn for you by society.
Exceed even your own expectations for improvement.
And by doing so, you may even notice you've changed in the process.

Who knows, you might even get your picture in the newspaper.

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Symphony for the Solo

The first short film I've ever made. Filmed entirely over the course of two weeks using just one camcorder and iMovie to edit. The music was also my own original composition, recorded on Garageband. ten minutes of an entire hour of playing