Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Clock That Stopped

I was looking through my desk the other day and I found this old watch that stopped working a while ago. It just stopped doing what it supposed to do one day. And life just went on. No one in the world knew the watch stopped. No one really cared. Not even me. All I know is it stopped at 10:57 one miraculous day. It didn't need a doctor to determine its time of death because, well, it knew its time of death. I wouldnt necessarily go as far as saying it quit tho. Maybe it was just tired of doing what other people expected it to do. Maybe it cracked under the pressure. Or maybe it just refused the things that it was made for and decided to do something else with its life. It managed to crawl under all the expectations laid out by society and, one day, built up the courage to just stop. Or maybe it just needed new batteries.

But it was the day time stood still long enough to look back and wonder if it was all worth it. Ironically, though, the watch told me not to give up. It told me that, instead of quitting, find a new point of view or something else to follow. Find yourself and your passion before you commit yourself to time. Because if you lose yourself in the illusion of time and work and money and stress...one day your watch is gona stop. Will you to know the exact time of your death?

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Symphony for the Solo

The first short film I've ever made. Filmed entirely over the course of two weeks using just one camcorder and iMovie to edit. The music was also my own original composition, recorded on Garageband. ten minutes of an entire hour of playing