Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Meaning of Life?

Ever ask yourself what the hell is the point in all of this bullshit?
We grow up working the majority of our lives in school. Elementary to middle to high school. Each getting harder and harder as they go. Then some of us go to college where you'll work harder than ever before. And then you go get a job and work for a very long time.

You contribute to society by doing your minute part in the system. You may think u are an individual and special above everyone else but unless you have a tail growing out of your ass, chances are there's someone else in the world who can do everything you can do, better. There will always be someone better if you let them be better.

In the end we're all just humans trying to get along.
Trying to survive.
Trying to better ourselves,
and evolve.
Evolution is a scientific fact and it would be naive to think humans are the ultimate species in the universe. It will not stay this way forever. The average person today only uses a very small amount of their entire brain capacity in everyday life. Who knows what could happen? We could become stronger, smarter and more unique individuals than we are now 1000 years from now. Or we could eventually cause our own extinction in a giant nuclear war tomorrow.

Honestly I have the most respect for people in the science and health departments who are trying to better human existence by creating innovations that make our lives easier and longer. The ones that helped deliver you in childbirth. The ones who built the machines that can detect cancer early and save another condemned life. They are the ones responsible for the evolution of mankind. Not the government, not hollywood, not the garbage man, and not even the nuclear physicists. The government is just trying to appease a group of people they claim to have control over as well as keep peace with other human beings from other countries. They aren't making our lives better, only preventing them from getting any worse. That is, of course, important but it isn't necessarily essential.

Life would be so much simpler if we could just move back into caves and eat bears without a government, entertainment industry, or any other excess things we dont need.
The fastest or the strongest or the smartest in the world would survive
In a sense, total anarchy is theoretically impossible. There will always be someone trying to control someone else. Its just human nature.
In a world where there's no such thing as a law, the one's who are better armed or have the best resources would survive. And where are the two places in which there are no rules? Love and war. But, in war, what if everyone has an equally devastating resource? Then there will be peace.
Nevertheless, evolution would continue as it should in a world of anarchy.
Obesity would probably decline eliminating a significant amount of health problems and the average human immune system would probably become stronger than ever before.

Now im not saying that we should cause a riot and overthrow our government or anything. I'm not saying I'm not grateful for what I have because I value the life I've been given very much. I'm just saying there are so many people in this world who take a lot for things for granted. I see kids everyday who do not understand how much worse their lives could be. They complain everyday about how shitty everything is, but they dont apply themselves to become better. Its like talking about all the great things you would do if you won the lottery, but you never actually go out and buy a ticket.

There are a lot of people who have dreams. Who grow up wanting to do something with their lives other than what they actually end up doing. Not everyone is going to grow up and become a scientist or a physician. But you should at least be happy with what you do in life. Because regardless of what you believe in, we could die tomorrow without fully enjoying what life has to offer. So if you have a dream with what you want to do in life, then go out and do it. No one has the right to stop you. Just make sure you work hard and do it well because you never know how many people can do it better. Find love in what you do, in someone else, and in yourself. Because without love and dreams, we are truly lost.

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Symphony for the Solo

The first short film I've ever made. Filmed entirely over the course of two weeks using just one camcorder and iMovie to edit. The music was also my own original composition, recorded on Garageband. ten minutes of an entire hour of playing