Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mind Thoughts

I often have thoughts during the day that i like to progress further and further regardless of how much they make sense. i havent posted anything lately because ive been pretty busy writing scripts but i hope you like this :)

1. Modeling is robotics. When the robot's mind evolves to the point where it can give the illusion of a personality, that is acting. When the actor supersedes his or her peers and wins the popularity contest, that is stardom. Stardom, contrary to popular belief, is often above the law. For example: Brad Pitt, Steve-O, and Quentin Tarentino.

2. Facebook is one of the main reasons why teenagers stay up so damn late. lack of sleep makes us tired, irritable, unattractive, fat, and forgetful. so if you want ur profile pic to look good get the hell off Facebook.

3. Reality tv shows on MTV like parental control, NEXT, room raiders, and even cribs are so painfully fake and scripted that its the very reason why people cant take MTV seriously sometimes. Andy Warhol once said "In the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." Honestly, it's a great effort on MTV's part, but I think we'd rather have our reality shows about real people with absolutely no acting experience in real life situations. I actually had the privilege of meeting a girl who was on the TV show, Made, once. She wanted to be made into a beauty queen. She told me that reality TV was probably the furthest thing from reality and almost the entire thing was scripted for her. However, she did say that the experience helped her come out of her shell and mature her to the level that she wanted to be at in the minds of her peers. I met her at a business camp a while ago and she was actually elected CEO of her company above 8 other strangers. Bottom line MTV: you help several teenagers transition their lives into adulthood. However, if you feel you must fill your time slots because you don't actually have good materiel, then at least find some better actors and writers for your retarded dating shows. And stop assuming we think these are real people. Please.

4. My life has become so integrated into technology that i actually care more when my cell phone gets lost than when my wallet with my license, credit card, library card, personal items, two free movie passes and twenty bucks gets lost. Btw twenty dollar reward to anyone who finds my wallet :P

On a similar note, I've realized how much my life revolves around technology to the point where I actually depend on it. It has become a necessity. an addiction. It wakes me up in the morning. It entertains me. It cleans me. It allows me to see around my house. It even tells me what to do sometimes. I found that i actually listen to what my mother says more when she says it via text message than when she says it to my face. I even remember it better. For some reason "go to bed. NOW!" is more intimidating to me when she is texting it from her bed at 12am.

5. Dear cell phone innovators,
We have enough cell phones to make us all unique individuals who all conform under your tyranny. Our need to be constantly be connected to our friends and family has awarded you the opportunity to rape our wallets and social life. And by installing cameras that send pictures...what the hell were you thinking? there are kids as young as 12 years old who are now locking themselves in their bathrooms to take naked pictures of themselves to send to guys who honestly only just want to send it to every single guy they know. You have cleverly managed to build your own underground child pornography service that has at the same time passed conveniently under your own noses as well as the law enforcement's watchful eyes.
just stop making us smaller, cooler, more colorful cell phones. we dont need fun little one dollar applications to occupy our attention when we have five minutes of down time on the bus or in the subway. people need to pull their souls out of their cell phones in those five minutes and observe the world. observe people. or just observe the depths of their own minds.
we have enough cell phones. you have made such an abundance of new cell phones that it seems like you are coming out with one every week. cell phones should not be like a new style of clothing that defines us as an individual. they are machines. they are gadgets that run on batteries. batteries that often pile up in landfills destroying our eco systems. stop making us new cell phones and start making us things we actually need. like jetpacks or more efficient eco friendly engines. or jetpacks haha :)

6. The man that loves thinks clearer than the man who lies. however the man who loves AND lies is incapable of being loved. the woman who loves the man who lies is only lying to herself.

7. Why is divorce becoming a disease? Dare i say a plague? Getting married should be something that needs to be taken seriously. Someone i care about leaving with half my shit does not sound appealing to me. Be absolutely sure that the one you marry is someone you cannot imagine in your life without.
Love is a noun. it is something that we all search for. There is proof that it exists everywhere in all aspects of life. However seeing is believing and believing makes it tangible. It makes love real.

Thats all for now :)

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Symphony for the Solo

The first short film I've ever made. Filmed entirely over the course of two weeks using just one camcorder and iMovie to edit. The music was also my own original composition, recorded on Garageband. ten minutes of an entire hour of playing