Tuesday, September 18, 2012

King Sisy

Retell a myth or a fairy tale, changing what happens or exploring characters more deeply than in the original. For example, GRENDEL is the story of the monster in BEOWULF and WICKED is a story about the Wicked Witch of the West. Reverse the myth or tale and try to create an anti-hero.

Sisy had always thought of himself as a clever boy. His father had given this name because he thought it would give his son character. For some reason, his father had always resented his son. He claimed tought love would make him grow to be a man.

One day, his father told him to begin carrying stones from a quarry over to their house. He never gave him the real reason as to why he wanted the stones, he only told him that it would make him become a man.

Sisy did as his father said, and began carrying the stones, one by one, over to a pile of stones by their house. He worked day and night, but the stones in the quarry never seemed to grow any less. Sisy continued to follow his father's orders to the point that he hadn't noticed that his father had passed away. One day the news came to Sisy, and he contemplated quitting his work. But he figured it was what his father would have wanted. So he continued.

He thought he might be able to build a pile of rocks so high that one day he would be able to reunite with his father in heaven. He continued his work tirelessly until he eventually died of old age.

In heaven, he found that his father was nowhere to be found. His task was set until the day he died, but even then, his work had gone unrewarded. Because Sisy had spent his entire life trying to gain the respect of his father, he missed experiencing his own life of happiness.

Moral of the story: don't waste your life away chasing the respect of another person. Even if they are the people who raised you.

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Symphony for the Solo

The first short film I've ever made. Filmed entirely over the course of two weeks using just one camcorder and iMovie to edit. The music was also my own original composition, recorded on Garageband. ten minutes of an entire hour of playing