Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Write about your hometown - where your family lives now. Write about what you like best - the landmarks, the best restaurants, the recreational activities.

My hatred for Williamsport has been brewing since the day I moved here. In all the other places I've lived in my life, I've never experienced the kind of segregation that I've seen here for the majority of my life.

Before the third grade, I was never picked on for being asian. Everyone saw everyone as being the same kind of person. If there was any hatred towards another person, it was because of something they said, did, or what someone had said about them. The onslaught of remarks never ceased, even up to my highschool graduation.

Nevertheless, Williamsport is a beautiful place. Every year we're put on the map by the Little League World Series. It's about the only thing that other people around the world can identify with. However, if you've spent enough time in this place, like I have, you will eventually find the local hotspots that are fun to hang out with your friends at.

There are places along creeks with rope swings, places you can jump off of bridges into somewhat deep water, and lookout spots on top of hills where you can take a romantic date (i.e. squirrel run in South Williamsport). We've also got a great local area in the heart of Williamsport where people can shop in small businesses or go to hole-in-the-wall coffee shops. All over the area, places continue to be added to the downtown area and the mall: Panera Bread, Starbucks, The Cinema Center, Target, and Michael's. Sometimes I'll leave for a period of one or two years and find my hometown totally unrecognizable.

It may be filled with resentful people, but Williamsport continues to grow into pleasant hometown with everything anyone would possibly need to live a happy life with the people they love.

Fuck that was a corny way to end :P

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Symphony for the Solo

The first short film I've ever made. Filmed entirely over the course of two weeks using just one camcorder and iMovie to edit. The music was also my own original composition, recorded on Garageband. ten minutes of an entire hour of playing