Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Black Cruz

Associate an object or an action with someone in real life. Does someone you know have a cherished possession or a unique ritual? Describe it. Use that object or ritual to begin a character sketch about that person.

My brother's job is to drive around to different hospitals selling medical equipment to doctors. If this sounds familiar it's because it's the same job that Will Smith had at the beginning of The Pursuit of Happyness. That being said his entire life has become confined to a singular metal death trap that he adores. Anytime I get in he's constantly reminding me not to slam the door, even when I close it gently. It's a black chevy cruz with satalite radio. He listens to NPR every day and regurgitates information to me as if he's learned something new. It would be a nice car to own if it weren't filled to the brim with hip and leg braces along with stacks of medical forms. He likes to fool himself into thinking his life is in order because he keeps his apartment immaculately clean; however, the place where he spends most of his life these days is a mess.

Sorry Jim. I love you man, but I know this isn't what you want to do your whole life. Even if it pays well.

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Symphony for the Solo

The first short film I've ever made. Filmed entirely over the course of two weeks using just one camcorder and iMovie to edit. The music was also my own original composition, recorded on Garageband. ten minutes of an entire hour of playing