Thursday, April 12, 2012

Parallax Error

have you noticed that everything you see and hear is something that already happened earlier
the light you see from a star in space takes about five seconds to reach earth
the radio you hear takes at least .2 seconds to reach your area
you will see the smoke from a gun before you hear it being shot
you will see the flash of lightning long before you hear its boom
long distance interviews on the news are sometimes slower than a normal conversation  
think about this
the human reaction time is from about .1 seconds to .2 seconds
in high pressure situations sometimes adrenaline will aid in speeding this up but for the most part the average stays around .1 to .2
that means that when a deer jumps in front of your car at night, your brain processes this information in .2 seconds
nature is designed so that we see everything in a delayed manner
its almost as if its in our nature to be relaxed to the environment around us
humans are supposed to be relaxed people
so why is it that we insist on being so uptight so often
the universe doesn’t want us to walk around with sticks up our butts always being angry at our neighbors
breath out for once
live slowly in every moment
because you never know when a deer will jump in front of your car

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Symphony for the Solo

The first short film I've ever made. Filmed entirely over the course of two weeks using just one camcorder and iMovie to edit. The music was also my own original composition, recorded on Garageband. ten minutes of an entire hour of playing